Lovely girl character with 6 moods. AS 2 .0, 3.0 and Flash 8, CS 3 .0

Lovely girl character with 6 moods. AS 2 .0, 3.0 and Flash 8, CS 3 .0 – Only 31 Kb

Where to use:

- Usefull flash character to introduce/present products on your website or to present in education projects especially for teenagers.

- Practical to apply in flash game,..

- Easy to apply to quiz and test online with exposing/expressing emotions to the right and wrong answers

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1. Files included:
- lovely_girl_cs_3.0.fla;
- lovely_girl_flash_8.0.fla
- lovely_girl_flash_8.0.swf;
- readme.txt.

How do I create this movie:
Step 1: Script of this animation
+ Walking : walking happily to the left screen's corner
+ Speaking : introducing on what the boy can do in different contexts
+ Sad : Expressing how sad he is
+ Crying: Crying
+ Speaking: Convincing
+ Happy: Expressing how happy he is
+ Waiting/standing: for the next "performance"

Step 2: Create 6 movie clips of the 6 status of a boy character
- For standing: please use mc_Girl_Standing movie clip
- For speaking: please use mc_Girl_Talking movie clip
- For being sad and falling: please use mc_Girl_Sad_Fall movie clip
- For crying: please use mc_Girl_Crying movie clip
- For being happy: please use mc_Girl_Happy movie clip
- For walking: please use mc_Girl_Walking movie clip

Step 3: Then I used those 6 movie clips to animate this intro demonstration with tween and keyframe. You can do your own products from my suggestion. And you can also add action scripts into your games and other applications/products.
How you can use it in your project:
Step 1: Open file lovely_girl_cs_3.0.fla or lovely_girl_flash_8.0.fla depend on your flash authoring tool
Step 2: Create your new flash file
Step 3: Press Ctrl + L to open a library
Step 4: Choose the movie clip you need on the Library of your source fla file
Step 5: Drag the ones you like from 6 status movie clip of lovely girl character to your stage and now it's READY for your use.
You can also customize them yourself.

Note: Each animation needs to have certain frames to complete it action:
Standing (mc_Girl_Standing): 90 frames
Speaking (mc_Girl_Talking): 105 frames
Sad and fall (mc_Girl_Sad_Fall) : 50 frames
Crying (mc_Girl_Crying) : 20 frames
Happy (mc_Girl_Happy): 50 frames
Walking (mc_Girl_Walking): 12 frames
No AS needs ecxcept stop() but you can easily edit it with simple AS as your needs

Choose your frame rate you like (12, 24, 30 ) for your flash project
Now you have your own boy character for your own project

Have fun!
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Speed up and be the winner!

Speed up and bei the winner! A funny animation to simulate the winner (a character is running and passing over cars on the road). Speed up is useful to emphasize your website, banner, or to use in a Flash intro to describe an attempt to reach the target.

Only 10kb, 100 % vector. drag and drop with no actionscript

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1. Files included:
- speedup.fla;
- speedup.swf;
- readme.txt.

2. How to use:
- Just open speedup.fla;
- Click to choose mcSpeedUp;
- Drag and drop mcSpeedUp movie clip to the stage;
- Import your music (if you like);
- Edit or add your own text.

3. Customize
- Ctrl + L to open the library;
+ to edit the charater: edit mcSpeedUp;
+ to edit the symbol: open and modify symbol in fSpeedUp;

4. Useful for:

- banners, Flash intro, game or flashcard.
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Sleepy preload animation

Sleepy preload is a funny animation to simulate a sleepy man who are waiting for a loading process to complete (as a long as loading with a heavy file), this animation is usefull for you to put your code for a funy preload or any thing for your flash project creatively .

Only 4.87kb, 100 % vector. drag and drop with no actionscript

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+ Drag& drop;
+ Easy to modify color, shape and background;
+ Easy to copy to any project;
+ Well documented (all movie clip, symbol or layer are named);
+ Easy to add your music & your own text to.
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An animation to simulate two man are pushing and pulling a heavy wagon, as a loading process with a heavy file, the animation is usefull for you to put your code making a preload or making any creative thing for your flash project.

Only 5kb, 100 % vector. drag and drop with no actionscript for animation.

This item is sell excluvive on FlashDen, to buy it click here

+ Drag drop
+ Easy to modify the color, the shape, the background
+ Easy to copy to any project
+ Well documented (all movie clip, symball or layer are named)
+ Easy to add your sounds, musics & your own texts
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"Under Construction" animation

Under Construction animation, this file is a nice and useful way to deliver a message to your valuable visitors/customers that your site is under construction!

An effectively way to keep the visitors of your website to come back and wait for something really gonna happen.

The animation let your visitors know that you are really working hard to bring some thing good for them.

Simple to use in your project, just drag and drop, no action script. All are vectors, very easy to edit text and graphics (symbols and layers are well naming).

This item is sell excluvive on FlashDen, to buy it click here

Feature *

+ Only 3.84kb

+ Easy to add your music or edit text

+ Just drag drop to copy to any project
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Full motion, fancy running character is usefulf to light up your website, your banner, flash intro or flash game or greating-card.

Only 10kb, 100 % vector. No action script, just drag and drop.

This item is sell excluvive on FlashDen, to buy it click here

Feature *

Easy to modify the color, the shape and the background

Easy to copy to any project

Drag drop to the stage

Easy to add your music & text*
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Full motion and emotions, the fancy dancing character is usefull to light up your website, your banner, flash intro or flash game.

Only 7kb, all are vectors, usefull for intro, banner, game or greating-card.

No action script, just drag and drop.

This item is sell excluvive on FlashDen, to buy it click here


- Easy to modify the color, the shape and the background …

- Easy to copy to any project.

- Drag drop to the stage

- Easy to add your music & text
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fancy climbing character 100 % vector, full motion, fancy climbing character is usefulf to light up your website, your banner, flash intro or flash game

- Usefull for intro, banner, game or greating-card. Only 42kb,

- No action script, just drag and drop.

This item is sell excluvive on FlashDen, to buy it click here


- Easy to modify the color, the shape and the background …

- Easy to copy to any project.

- Drag drop to the stage

- Easy to add your music & text
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- Full motion, fancy walking character is usefulf to light up your website, your banner, flash intro or flash game or a greating-card.

This item is sell excluvive on FlashDen, to buy it click here

- 100 % vector, only 27kb, no action script, just drag and drop.


- Easy to modify the color, the shape and the background …

- Easy to copy to any project.

- Drag drop to the stage

- Easy to add your music & text
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Earth Water Background

Earth Water 's Background, the earth symbol in a difference looking and feel. Lively, 100 % vector, This background is perfect for flash intro, banner, animated interface or ecard. Simply to use, no action script, well documented. Just Drag dropt objects to your stage Colorful lively water background & cool button water dropt effect

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Very easy to modify the earth symbol, cloud, rain, boat, fish, sun and ocean water wave symbol.

Easy to add your music & text by import or by modify

Easy to copy to any project.

1. File included:

- earth_water.fla
- earth_water.swf
- readme.txt

2. How to use:

- 100 % vector images
- Just open earth_water.fla
- Drag and drop object that you need to the stage
- Import your music
- Add your text

3. Customize
- Ctrl + L to open the library

+ the boat: mc_boat in fBoat folder
+ the cloud and rain : mc _cloud and mc_rain in fCloudRain
+ the Earth : mc_sfere in fEarth folder
+ the fish : mc_fish in fFish flder
+ the sun: mc_sun in fFun folder
+ the wave and the water: mc_wave in fWaterWave folder

3. Useful for:

- This file useful for make a banner, an intro or an ecard or an interface!
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Lipsync demostration

Lipsync demostration - project outsource for SP
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Rich Interactive Background/Banner - Smart Clouds, Only 19.3Kb, Flash 8+, AS2

Where to use:
- Creating interactive banners and backgrounds to attract users
- Applying in designing interactive games and simulation experiment on ecosytem
- Making interactive demonstrations which are environment friendly
This item sell in Flash click here to buy it

- Useful in background, banner, games, simulation, demonstration experiment on ecosystem
- Rich user's interactive
- Customizable, background, text, HTML and link, and a lot more
- Resizable freely
- Light
- AS2+
- Flash 8+

What in this : include :

1) smartclouds.fla : the main source file smartclouds.fla for rich interactive banner/background
2) background_1.fla : the first background sample source file
3) background_2.fla : the second background sample source file
4) loader.fla : the loader sample source file
5) smartclouds.swf : the main file smartclouds.fla for rich interactive banner/background
6) background_1.swf : the second background sample file
7) background_2.swf : the first background sample file
8) loader.swf : loader sample file
9) Readme.txt : document help file
----------- include:

1) preview.swf : the preview swf file for main file smartclouds for rich interactive banner/background
2) background_1.swf : the first background sample file
3) background_2.swf : the second background sample file

How to work:

I created a background of a hill, a stream, the sun and one original cloud. The cloud has a default speed and flying direction on the screen. A button was created in a form of tree to plant trees on the hill. A timer is installed to make random clouds on the screen in case users do not click to the Sun for a new cloud.

Each cloud is "an alive entity" which has it's own life cycle. It is being born and then lives and then being destroyed. Each cloud carries a message (text and link) to the contents you wish to send to your audience. If there is not action from users, the clouds will fly randomly on the screen. When touching the screen's boundary, the clouds will change direction. A new cloud will be created every 10 seconds (customizable). If 2 clouds meet each other, one cloud will eat the other and the raining, thunder and lightning will appear. ( I'd removed the thunder and rain sound but you can put your own sounds of thunder and rain)

Users can speed up this process by creating more clouds up to a limit (customizable). "Drag and drop" function can be used for the clouds to actively make thunder, rain and lightning...2 background samples are provided (you can design yourself more). A background will be loaded randomly to help your website/presentation more interactive and live.

Click the Sun (button) for a new Cloud with a random speed, size (width, length), location (x, y coordinate) and direction. The cloud will randomly fly on the screen but not too close to the ground.

If you don't create a cloud (not touching to the Sun button), the every 10 seconds, the new cloud will be created by a timer. Duration can be customized based on your needs.

Each cloud carries a message (text and link) to introduce about your self, your slogan, link to your Website ... You can customize number of cloud and number of messages.

The created clouds wander on the sky (screen) and when they meet each other, the collision will happen. The bigger cloud will eat the smaller one and then the sky color will change and raining, thunder and lightning will happen .

Raining duration can be customized too.

How you can use it in your project:

Step 1: Open file smartclouds.fla
Step 2: Create your new flash file, create 2 layers
Step 3: Below are code lines in the first keyframe of first layer in your fla file

// ----- New------
//Check if not installed oldHitTest to install a new one
if(this.oldHitTest()==undefined) {
// ----- This code allow to change from global to local coordinate x, y in case you call load thi movie into another ------
MovieClip.prototype.oldHitTest = MovieClip.prototype.hitTest;
MovieClip.prototype.hitTest = function(x, y, sf){
var obj = {x:x, y:y};
return this.oldHitTest(obj.x, obj.y, sf);
// ----- End New------

Step 4: Press Ctrl + L to open the library
Step 5: Choose the mcInteractiveBacground movie clip you need on the Library smartclouds.fla
Step 6: Drag the mcInteractiveBacground ones you have chosen from Library into your stage on the second layer and now it's READY for your use.

Note: You can also use load movie clip command to use it in your fla project simply by putting a code line : this.loadMovie("smartclouds.swf"); This movie can be resided freely. I include a loader.fla as an example on how to load this movie as an external movie

How to customize it: You can also customize them yourself. You can customize number of cloud, default size and random location, turn on/ off related information on the screen, text and link on each cloud, raining duration, the default times to create a could automatically. In summary, you can customized whatever you like in this flash.

//-----------------Begin Your customize here-------------
//-------------replace by your own text, these text will be shown randomly when a new cloud is created up to vMaxNumberOfClouds + 1 (here are 4), html code are ok

var text1 = "Buy with";
var text2 = "Sell with";
var text3 = "Interactive with";
var text4 = "Income with";
var text5 = "Competitions with< //- //--------------End text show on the Cloud-------------------------------------------- //--------------Customize your parameter on the function onClipEvent(load), customize section of movie clip mcInteractiveBacground // var vBackGroundName = "background_1.swf"; // Define a external swf background (size 590x300) // var vBackGroundName = "background_2.swf"; // Define a external swf background (size 590x300) var vTurnSound = true; // Turn on/off Sound of Thunder and Rain var vFlippingDegreeOfRain = 60; // Define a flipping raining shape correspond to the cloud' direction var vDefaultBackground = "background_1.swf"; // Define a default background var vRandomBackGround = true; // Turn on/off randomized background var vNumberOfBackGround = 2; // Define max number of background var vMaxNumberOfClouds=4; // Define max number of Clouds (vMaxNumberOfClouds + 1) var vMaxRainLoop = 3; // Define max Number of Raining var vShowInfor = true; // Turn on/off description var vTimeToCreateCloud = 10; // Define a default time to automatically create a new Cloud. A Zero (0) value means turning off this feature var vDeltaXBaseOfCloud = 200; // Default X margin distance to the right screen of each cloud var vDeltaYBaseOfCloud = 120; // Default Y margin distance to the top screen of each cloud var vDeltaWidthBaseOfCloud = 70; // Default Width of each cloud var vDeltaHeightBaseOfCloud = 30; // Default Width of each cloud
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can use your owner thunder's sound by imported into your movie clip, I'd removed the thunder and rain sound but you can put your own sounds
Step 1: Import your thunder sound into your library, place in fSounds folder
Step 2: Right click on it name (sound' name) choose Linkage
Step 3: Give the Identifier and tick these check box Identifier : SoundThunder Linkage: Export for ActionScript : Checked Export for runtime sharing : Not checked Export in first frame : Checked Import for runtime sharing : Not checked Main object in the Library mcInteractiveBacground : The main movie clip contain all part of this demonstration btn_Sun : Button to create new Clouds mcCloudy : Original's object of each cloud's instance btn_Tree: Button to growth trees in Erode Scene (background_1.swf) txt_vNumberOfClouds : Dynamic textbox to display current number of clouds txt_Hint : Dynamic textbox to display the name of each cloud's instance txt_S : Dynamic textbox to display the area of a specifics instance of a cloud mcClock: A simple timer to create a new cloud automatically txtGuide : Dynamic textbox to display a help when user move their mouse on the screen's object Comments for the Reviewer:
I would like to certify that this product including all of its parts is made by myself only, except the free references instructions of hitTest function is listed here:
1) hitTest in loaded movies 10th January 2004 by Keith Peters

MovieClip.prototype.oldHitTest = MovieClip.prototype.hitTest;
MovieClip.prototype.hitTest = function(x, y, sf){
var obj = {x:x, y:y};
return this.oldHitTest(obj.x, obj.y, sf);

Have fun!


1) How can I to customize it?

You can also customize them yourself. You can customize number of cloud, default size and random location, turn on/ off related information on the screen, text and link on each cloud, raining duration, the default times to create a could automatically. In summary, you can customized whatever you like in this flash.

//-----------------Begin Your customize here-------------
//-------------replace by your own text, these text will be shown randomly when a new cloud is created up to vMaxNumberOfClouds + 1 (here are 4), html code are ok

var text1 = "Buy with";
var text2 = "Sell with";
var text3 = "Interactive with";
var text4 = "Income with";
var text5 = "Competitions with< //- //--------------End text show on the Cloud-------------------------------------------- //--------------Customize your parameter on the function onClipEvent(load), customize section of movie clip mcInteractiveBacground // var vBackGroundName = "background_1.swf"; // Define a external swf background (size 590x300) // var vBackGroundName = "background_2.swf"; // Define a external swf background (size 590x300) var vTurnSound = true; // Turn on/off Sound of Thunder and Rain var vFlippingDegreeOfRain = 60; // Define a flipping raining shape correspond to the cloud' direction var vDefaultBackground = "background_1.swf"; // Define a default background var vRandomBackGround = true; // Turn on/off randomized background var vNumberOfBackGround = 2; // Define max number of background var vMaxNumberOfClouds=4; // Define max number of Clouds (vMaxNumberOfClouds + 1) var vMaxRainLoop = 3; // Define max Number of Raining var vShowInfor = true; // Turn on/off description var vTimeToCreateCloud = 10; // Define a default time to automatically create a new Cloud. A Zero (0) value means turning off this feature var vDeltaXBaseOfCloud = 200; // Default X margin distance to the right screen of each cloud var vDeltaYBaseOfCloud = 120; // Default Y margin distance to the top screen of each cloud var vDeltaWidthBaseOfCloud = 70; // Default Width of each cloud var vDeltaHeightBaseOfCloud = 30; // Default Width of each cloud //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2) How can i add my own sounds in this?

You can use your owner thunder's sound by imported into your movie clip, I'd removed the thunder and rain sound but you can put your own sounds

Step 1: Import your thunder sound into your library, place in fSounds folder
Step 2: Right click on it name (sound' name) choose Linkage
Step 3: Give the Identifier and tick these check box

Identifier : SoundThunder

Export for ActionScript : Checked
Export for runtime sharing : Not checked
Export in first frame : Checked
Import for runtime sharing : Not checked

3) How does it work? what is the rule in here?

How to work:

I created a background of a hill, a stream, the sun and one original cloud. The cloud has a default speed and flying direction on the screen. A button was created in a form of tree to plant trees on the hill. A timer is installed to make random clouds on the screen in case users do not click to the Sun for a new cloud.

Each cloud is "an alive entity" which has it's own life cycle. It is being born and then lives and then being destroyed. Each cloud carries a message (text and link) to the contents you wish to send to your audience. If there is not action from users, the clouds will fly randomly on the screen. When touching the screen's boundary, the clouds will change direction. A new cloud will be created every 10 seconds (customizable). If 2 clouds meet each other, one cloud will eat the other and the raining, thunder and lightning will appear. ( I'd removed the thunder and rain sound but you can put your own sounds of thunder and rain)

Users can speed up this process by creating more clouds up to a limit (customizable). "Drag and drop" function can be used for the clouds to actively make thunder, rain and lightning...2 background samples are provided (you can design yourself more). A background will be loaded randomly to help your website/presentation more interactive and live.

Click the Sun (button) for a new Cloud with a random speed, size (width, length), location (x, y coordinate) and direction. The cloud will randomly fly on the screen but not too close to the ground.

If you don't create a cloud (not touching to the Sun button), the every 10 seconds, the new cloud will be created by a timer. Duration can be customized based on your needs.

Each cloud carries a message (text and link) to introduce about your self, your slogan, link to your Website ... You can customize number of cloud and number of messages.

The created clouds wander on the sky (screen) and when they meet each other, the collision will happen. The bigger cloud will eat the smaller one and then the sky color will change and raining, thunder and lightning will happen .

Raining duration can be customized too.

4) How you can use it in your project ?

Step 1: Open file smartclouds.fla
Step 2: Create your new flash file, create 2 layers
Step 3: Below are code lines in the first keyframe of first layer in your fla file

// ----- New------
//Check if not installed oldHitTest to install a new one
if(this.oldHitTest()==undefined) {
// ----- This code allow to change from global to local coordinate x, y in case you call load thi movie into another ------
MovieClip.prototype.oldHitTest = MovieClip.prototype.hitTest;
MovieClip.prototype.hitTest = function(x, y, sf){
var obj = {x:x, y:y};
return this.oldHitTest(obj.x, obj.y, sf);
// ----- End New------

Step 4: Press Ctrl + L to open the library
Step 5: Choose the mcInteractiveBacground movie clip you need on the Library smartclouds.fla
Step 6: Drag the mcInteractiveBacground ones you have chosen from Library into your stage on the second layer and now it's READY for your use.

Note: You can also use load movie clip command to use it in your fla project simply by putting a code line : this.loadMovie("smartclouds.swf"); This movie can be resized freely. I include a loader.fla as an example on how to load this movie as an external movie

5) What in this sample? for demostration include:

1) preview.swf : the preview swf file for main file smartclouds for rich interactive banner/background
2) background_1.swf : the first background sample file
3) background_2.swf : the second background sample file
4) smartclouds.swf : the smartclouds.swf file
---------- for the buyer include :

1) smartclouds.fla : the main source file smartclouds.fla for rich interactive banner/background
2) background_1.fla : the first background sample source file
3) background_2.fla : the second background sample source file
4) loader.fla : the loader sample source file
5) smartclouds.swf : the main file smartclouds.fla for rich interactive banner/background
6) background_1.swf : the second background sample file
7) background_2.swf : the first background sample file
8) loader.swf : loader sample file
9) Readme.txt : document help file

6) What is the main movie clip so I can change it' shape?

Main object in the Library are listed here:

mcInteractiveBacground : The main movie clip contain all part of this demonstration
btn_Sun : Button to create new Clouds
mcCloudy : Original's object of each cloud's instance
btn_Tree: Button to growth trees in Erode Scene (background_1.swf)
txt_vNumberOfClouds : Dynamic textbox to display current number of clouds
txt_Hint : Dynamic textbox to display the name of each cloud's instance
txt_S : Dynamic textbox to display the area of a specifics instance of a cloud
mcClock: A simple timer to create a new cloud automatically
txtGuide : Dynamic textbox to display a help when user move their mouse on the screen's object

7) Where to use this Rich Interactive Background/Banner?

Rich Interactive Background/Banner - Smart Clouds, Only 19.3Kb, Flash 8+, AS2

It is usefull for
- Creating interactive banners and backgrounds to attract users
- Applying in designing interactive games and simulation experiment on ecosytem
- Making interactive demonstrations which are environment friendly
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Funny boy with 6 moods. AS 2 .0 and Flash 8+ – Only 52 Kb

Where to use
- sufficient to introduce/present products on your website or to present in education projects especially for teenagers.
- easy to apply to quiz and test online with exposing/expressing emotions to the right and wrong answers
- practical to apply in flash game
This item is sell excluvive on FlashDen, to buy it click here

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GREEN IT TEAMS Design by Insight © 2009